Placenta Encapsulator
Sacred Lane Birth Services
(260) 460-7686
Kirsten offers placenta encapsulation (your choice of steamed or raw), tincture, salve, smoothie, prints and cord keepsake. Please visit her website, Sacred Lane Placenta, for information about the benefits of placenta encapsulation, detailed descriptions of preparation options as well as client checklists and instructions for every type of birth location.
Kirsten has completed the following placenta encapsulation training:
2015 Indiana State Food Worker Course - Certified
2015 Bloodborne Pathogens & Infection Control for Placenta Encapsulation Specialists (Biologix Solutions) - Certified
2015 Enrolled into APPA Certification Training Course for Placenta Preparation
Postpartum Care Package - $250
Includes: Placenta pills, print, and cord keepsake. Addition add-ons available.